József Terék

Hungarian golden cross of Merit
awarded musician, composer

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A Tárogató Hungarikum Koncert népszerűsítése szakmai program megvalósítását 2020. évben a Magyar Művészeti Akadémia támogatta.

Terék József portfólió


Jozsef Terek: Complete edition of works by Kálmán Simonffy
Folksongs and religious songs
Jozsef Terek: Folksongs of Toalmas
Slovak folk songs from Nagytarcsa
Folk art values of Mende
Viva the hungarian freedom, viva the Homeland - Selections from the life and musical heritage of Lajos Kossuth
Jozsef Terek: Folksongs of Dany
Jozsef Terek: Bela Bartok in the Tapio region
Jozsef Terek: Folksongs of Abony
Jozsef Terek: Folksongs of Zsambok
Folk Songs of Hévízgyörk - A photo gallery with attached DVD-ROM
Folk costumes in Hevizgyork
Jozsef Terek: 50 years old the Women's Choir of Hevizgyork
Jozsef Terek: Folksongs and folk games from Tapioszele
Traditions in Gomba
Folksongs of Hevizgyork
Folkmusic from Tapioszele in the 20th century
Jozsef Terek: 100 years 1000 folksongs in the Tapio region
Jozsef Terek: Folk costumes int he Tapio region
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